But what about a bootcamp for business people? After all, work is a big part of life, right?
Absolutely. And this is exactly why Think Big Partners has introduced an Entrepreneur Bootcamp to take place this fall at bizperc.
The Entrepreneur Bootcamp is a 6-week program built to whip its participants into startup shape. With knockout sessions from some of Kansas City's most successful and inspirational business leaders, Think Big Partners' Entrepreneur Bootcamp is sure to enhance your company, grow your startup, and inspire your work life.
Entrepreneur Bootcamp sessions include:
- You Need More Than Just a Business Plan to Turn a Good Idea Into a Profitable Business by Herb Sih of Think Big Partners
- Tough Stuff: Legal & Accounting in Small Business by Jene' Popper Hong of Business Transition Specialists and Tyler Prochnow of Think Big Partners
- Brand Foundation for Your Startup that Uniquely Drives Your Business Strategy by Kurt Bartolich of GUTS Branding
- The Top 10 IP Must-Knows for Any Business by Dianne Smith-Misemer and Jennifer Bailey of Hovey Williams, LP
- Unlock the Social Media Rock Star Within You! by Herb Sih and Allison Way of Think Big Partners
- Raising Money for Your Startup: Luck is Preparation Meeting Opportunity by Herb Sih of Think Big Partners and Ryan Weber of Angel Capital Group
Get your startup business into tip-top shape this fall at Think Big Partners' Entrepreneur Bootcamp. Sign up here now and take advantage of the early-bird special!
Want to attend an Entrepreneur Bootcamp session...for free? Participate in our Retweet contest! Learn all about how to win a discounted ticket or a session on us here.
Hesitant about attending an entrepreneur bootcamp? Learn the top 5 reasons why an entrepreneur bootcamp will benefit you and your business!
Written by Allison Way
I have heard that troubled teen boot camps is one of the best programs for teens but I am wondering could the entrepreneur boot camp be effective also or it is only good for those that aren’t going through their hard times and wish to go to business? I think the best way to find out is to join, right?